WHAT ARE THE AYURVEDIC BEST TIPS TO CONTROL ADENOID PROBLEMS WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ADENOIDS: Adenoids are patch of tissue that high up in the throat, behind the nose and along with TONSILS. ADENOIDS and TONSILS are a part of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic system main functions are to fight with harmful germs, clear the infections and keep the body fluids in balance. FUNCTIONS OF ADENOIDS: ADENOIDS present in the back of the nasal cavity and trapping the germs like harmful bacteria, virus which are enter through our mouth and nose. ADENOIDS, TONSILS main function is fighting with harmful infectious germs in little kids. In the kids , ADENOIDS do vital work as fight with germs and ADENOIDS shrink after about 7-10 years.When ever they will enter teenage, then ADENOIDS practically disappear. In the teenage , ADENOIDS is less important to fight with germs because teenagers body develops other system to fight with harmful germs. ENLARGED ADENOIDS: ADENOIDS trap...
A blog about health problems, meaning of diseases, it's causes, symptoms, treatment, medication, fitness, food habits, tips to control diseases.