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Adenoids are patch of tissue that high up in the throat, behind the nose and along with TONSILS. ADENOIDS and TONSILS are a part of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic system main functions are to fight with harmful germs, clear the infections and keep the body fluids in balance.


  • ADENOIDS present in the back of the nasal cavity and trapping the germs like harmful bacteria, virus which are enter through our mouth and nose.
  • ADENOIDS, TONSILS  main function is fighting with harmful infectious germs in little kids.
  • In the kids , ADENOIDS do vital work as fight with germs and ADENOIDS shrink after about 7-10 years.When ever they will enter teenage, then ADENOIDS practically disappear.
  • In the teenage , ADENOIDS is less important to fight with germs because teenagers body develops other system to fight with harmful germs.


ADENOIDS traps the harmful bacteria, virus that enter into the body through our mouth /nose. ADENOIDS tissue temporarily swells as it tries to fight with infectious germs.The swelling of ADENOIDS cured in sometimes and sometimes infected.Swelling ADENOIDS can make breathing problems.


Allergies can cause of the enlarged ADENOIDS  and dust allergy/pollution also the reason of attacks the germs in the kids.

  • Blocked, stuffy nose- Kids can only breath with their mouth.
  • Difficult to getting good sleep in nights.
  • Swollen glands in the neck.
  • Ear problems - Glue ear /fluid buildup in the middle ear, which can cause hearing problem in the kids.
  • Snoring problems in the sleep.
  • Sore throat.
  • Difficult to swallowing.
  • Problem to breathing through the nose.
  • Cracked lips, dry mouth - breathing problem.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Changes in voice.
  • Sinusitis.

If your kid have any of above symptoms, then consult the Doctor which is specialized  by ENT. Doctor will check the size and symptoms of ADENOIDS and prescribed an anti-biotics medicines. Sometimes   ADENOIDS may be removed by Doctors suggestion of its severity. Surgery of removing the ADENOIDS is also called"ADENOIDECTOMY".

ADENOIDECTOMY  is a simple surgery and it is completed with in half an hour. After surgery the kid can go to home within one or two days and soft food to eat after surgery.

There is no need to remove ADENOIDS in all cases but it is only   the kid who has suffering with more sick and breathing problems and hearing problems etc.

I described that what is the meaning of ADENOIDS, where it  is present, causes of swollen ADENOIDS, symptoms and surgery.

Now I am describing about my own experience with my close relatives who had suffering with ADENOID problem and how he recovered from the problem without surgery.
First of all I share some of the symptoms when I watched in that particular kid.
  • He was breathing with his mouth.
  • Snoring in his sleep.
  • Hearing problem - Normally he is very active kid, when I call to him he did not give any reply. In first time I take very easy but three, four times I watched very nearly the kid. I understand that he was facing some ear problems.I checked inside his ear , its looks like whitish colour and I noticed that his ears were infected.
  • He did not get good sleep also.

The kid parents consult the ENT Doctor and he recommended to go with surgery.Three, four doctors were suggested to go for surgery to remove the Adenoids. But finally they consulted another ENT Doctor who was working in so many years in medical field and he dealed so many severe cases.This doctor also suggest to go for surgery. But the parents requested to the doctor, if any possibility, you  should  prescribe the medicines without surgery. He check up the kid thoroughly and he prescribed some antibiotic medicines.

Here the parents have in good financial condition, that is not a issue and both are educated and they know some of this type of adenoid cases thats why they strongly believe that don't go with one Doctor suggestion and every health problem solution is not surgery.

For ear problem Doctor gave a precious advice to that parents.But the parents are realized that to compare the doctors suggestions that someone had told go to surgery and someone had told only use medicines.They decided to use the antibiotics  along with Ayurvedic doctor prescribed  medicines, diet food,Yoga etc.


AYURVEDA explains that there are three doshas present in human body which is called VATHA, PITHA, KAPHA doshas. Tonsils,Adenoids problems are rises by KAPHA doshas. The adenoid infected kid used anti- biotics, ayurvedic medicines, steaming, warm salt water gargling, nasal liquid drops, healthy diet and breathing exercises.

 So some of the ayurvedic remedies to avoid Adenoid problems. I share which food that kid ate and what type of food he avoided during in his treatment.

Avoid food: This is very important to know about which food rises the problem of Adenoids. Avoid food is as follows
  • Cool drinks- Avoid all types of cool drinks.
  • Ice creams, cool cakes. 
  • Freezed food - Avoid all refrigerator freezed food.
  • Dairy products - Milk, butter, cheese, curd etc.
  • High cholestorol food - Avoid heavy cheese food, deep fry food etc.
  • Junk food- Avoid chips, sauce based food items etc.
  • Ghee food -Avoid  sweets which is prepared with heavy ghee.
  • Refinary oil - Avoid too much of usage of cooking oil in the recipies.
  • Sweets- caramel [junnu],kova[milk based sweet with more ghee].
  • Coconut - Avoid coconut recipies like coconut chutney, coconut burfi etc.
  • Tamarind, tomatoes - Avoid sore food items and use less amount of sore items in the recipies.
Best food:
  • Warm food - Eat only warm food.
  • Pepper - Use black pepper in recipies like south Indian recipies  pepper rasam for lunch, hot soups, pepper pongal for breakfast and millet breakfast etc.

  • Ginger - Use frequently ginger in recipies.

  • Turmeric powder - It is used in almost all recipies and it is very helpful to control the problem.
  • Cumin seeds - add cumin seeds in all recipies.
  • Fruits - Avacado, banana, rasberries, chickoo, mango etc.

  • Vegetables - raw vegetables, beans, peas, cauliflower, carrots, soya beans etc.
  • Green leafy vegetables - eat all varieties of green leaf vegetables.
  • Brown rice
  • Wheat 
  • Whole grains
  • Hot vegetable soups 
  • Nuts and seeds etc


First heat a half glass of water in a small vessel and pore into a glass and add one spoon of salt into it. Mix it well and gargling for 2 or 3 minutes. Repeat the same process with the half glass of warm salt water.This is very useful technique to reduce throat infections. Do this for 3 or 4 times per a day. It is very effective to work on sore throat.


Take a big vessel and add three by fourth of water , turmeric powder, salt, some neem leaves and heat the water  with closed lid. When the water is boiled, switch off the flame and open the lid, add a little amount of vicks / zandu balm / tiger balm any headache balms .Now close the lid and wait for just 3 minutes and steaming the water. It is the best tip to control the breathing problem. Do this for twice a day in the morning and evening.


Hot vegetable soups are add in you diet.Add small carrot bits / cauli flower / beans pieces / sweet corn / green peas, spring onions, black pepper powder , coriander leaves,corn flour etc in the soup.You will use chicken,egg in the soups.This hot soups  reduce the throat infections and support to good sleep in night.


Ginger tea, pepper tea, green tea, thulasi tea / basil tea etc tea are perfectly works on sore throat and throat infections.

GINGER TEA - I had already publish ginger- lemon tea in my health blog. Add ginger in a small vessel and heat it for 5 minutes, then filter the ginger water in a cup and add honey, lemon water. Mix it well, ginger- lemon tea is ready to drink.

GINGER-PEPPER TEA- I had already publish ginger- pepper tea in my health blog and Same above process but add pepper also.

TULASI TEA/ BASIL TEA - Add ginger,tulasi leaves,pepper and same process of preparation.



This is the best tip I want to share about to control the ear problems in the kids who have suffering with adenoids problems.It is used twice a day.Doctor prescribed nasal spray or liquid  drops are reduce the hearing problems.


First the kid should lying on the bed. Drop two nasal drops in left side nostril and turn into left side for 15 - 20 minutes. Now the kid get in straight posture  on the bed and drop two nasal drops in right side nostril and turn the kid in the right side for 15 - 20 minutes.

This technique was suggested the ENT doctor as the kid parents requested to unwilling of surgery.This technique is perfectly worked on that kid.It is used thrice a day.Nostrils, ears both has connected with tiny tubes, when we use the nasal drops in the left nostril and turn the kid in left side, the medicine go through the tiny tubes of ear.It is working very fast and within  three days the result was  amazing. Inside the ear infection was gradually decreased and that particular kid get perfect hearing.


SURYANAMASKARA, breathing exercises  are very useful to reduce breathing problems.The kid do the breathing exercises at least one hour per day like morning half an hour and evening half an hour. KAPALABHATHI is very effective to control breathing problems. SASHANKASAN, NADISUDHI, ANULOMA, VILOMAPRANAYAMA,  BHRAMARI, UJJAYI PRANAYAMA, SIMHAMUDRA  and chanting OM [A,U,M] etc.These all type of meditation help to reduce the Adenoid problem.

I am not a doctor , but I had experienced the adenoid problem.Three, four doctors were suggested to go for surgery to remove the adenoids. But the kid parents was aware of  some ayurvedic techniques and I also help to collect deep information about Adenoid problems.

They used anti biotics, ayuvedic medicines [doctor prescribed], steaming, gargling warm water,usage of nasal spray, yoga, breathing exercises and healthy diet.This is my own experience to how to control adenoid problem without surgery.

I am not a doctor but I want to share some of my experience knowledge because some people are suffering with this same problem in the world, if at least one person should decrease the adenoid problem after reading of my blog,  its gives me more self satisfaction rather than money.If you have severer adenoid problem consult the Doctor and use the medicines according to his prescription.


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