CAUSES , SYMPTOMS,TREATMENT OF GALL BLADDER STONES WHERE IS THE LOCATION OF GALL BLADDER? The gall bladder is a small pouch that sits under the liver.Gall bladder stores bile juices produced by liver. HOW THE STONES ARE FORMED IN GALL BLADDER? Crystallised formation of bile juice and cholestrol within gall bladder are referred to as gall stones.These gall stones are very common in adults and children and persentage wise women effected 20%, men effected 10%. DESCRIPTION ABOUT GALL BLADDER STONES: The gall stones are formed in various sizes from small size like a grain size to big size.These stones are solid piece of material that are formed by hardened bile and cholestrol in the gall bladder.Many times the person can not identify the gall bladder stones problem.When gall stones occurs in bile duct, it is commonly called CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS. We can identify the gall stones problem with some common symptoms: SYMPTOMS: Abdominal pain - This is the common sympt...
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