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The gall bladder is a small pouch that sits under the liver.Gall bladder stores bile juices produced by liver.


Crystallised formation of bile juice and cholestrol within gall bladder are referred to as gall stones.These gall stones are very common in adults and children  and persentage wise women effected 20%, men effected  10%.


The gall stones are formed in various sizes from small size like a grain size to big size.These stones are solid piece of material that are formed by  hardened bile and cholestrol in the gall bladder.Many times the person can not identify the gall bladder stones problem.When gall stones occurs in bile duct, it is commonly called CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS.

We can identify the gall stones problem with some common symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain - This is the common symptom of gall bladder stones.The gall bladder is a little sac stored with bile juice produced by liver.The gall bladder releases the bile juices into the small intestine through the cystic duct.This bile juices break down the fatty foods. When the cystic duct gets blocked or obstructed, then the abdominal pain starts.
  • PANCREATITIS- This is the inflammation of pancreas and when diagnosed it through the tests, there are high chances of gall bladder stones. Pancreas is located next to the liver and below the stomach.Liver and pancreas both secrets  digestive enzymes in the digestive track ,when they meet near the small intestine, the gall stone  in either of the duct can effect the functioning of the other.If the stone of gall bladder exits and stuck in the pancreatic duct, it will causes to abdominal pain.In such a cases , doctors generally remove the gall bladder.
  • LACK OF APPETITE -As the inflammation or gall bladder stone worsens overtime,gall stones can obstruct and block the bile juice, it leads to severely painful of digestion.When the bile duct is blocked, in  patient liver accumulated with bile juice.This is a common symptom of jaundice.As the pain worsens, the patient will experience loss of appetite.
  • CHANGES IN URINE -When the gall stones are formed in gall bladder, because of the bile pigment in urine, the urine turn into dark yellow colour. The dark colour or discolour urine indicates the gall bladder stones.Blood in the urine indicates the kidney damage.
  • CHANGES IN STOOL -With the blockage and obstruction of bile, the stool colour would take light colour. When the gall stones, which are the mixture of bile, cholestorol and bilirubin, gradually grow the size of gall stone, when they block the bile duct, then the stool colour changed into pale clay form.
  • FEVER - One of the common symptom of gall bladder stones is the infection and inflammation of the bile duct.According to the research, it was found that more than one third of gall stone patients suffered with chills and fever.In the worst cases, severe fever, vomiting.
  • CHEST  PAIN - people always mistaken as a varying symptom of heart attack, but this is not  true in all cases.Chest pain is occurs due to the digestive acids which  was trapped in the bile duct getting pushed up to the chest resulting in pain which is similar to heart attack pain.

If you have any above symptoms  or signs, consult a doctor who is specialized the gall stones treatment called GASTRO ENTOROLOGIST.Doctor will identify the gall stones problem that
  • patient bile contains too much of cholestrol
  • patient bile contains too much of bilirubin
  • patient gall bladder is does not have empty, it is filled with gall stones.

Doctor also identify the types of the gall stones.There are two types of gall stones formed in the gall bladder.
  • Cholestorol gall stones -This is the common type of gall stones  appears in yellow colour and composed by undissolved cholestrol.
  • Pigment gall stones - These are dark brown or black colour gall stones  forms by too much of bilirubin.


Doctor will examine physically that checking patient eyes, skin colour and if the patient has jaundice, his eyes  are yellow tint of sign.Doctor using the diagnostic tests that helps to identify the inside of the patient body.

These tests include;
  • ULTRA SOUND -An ultra sound test produces the abdomen  images and the doctor can identify that the patient have gall stone problem.
  • ABDOMINAL CT SCAN - This test is very useful to identify the pictures of liver and abdominal region.
  • GALL BLADDER RADIONUCLIDE SCAN -This test takes one hour time. The specialist injects a radio active substance into patient veins. With the help of this substance the specialist doctor can identify  the infection or blockage of the ducts from stones.
  • BLOOD TESTS - This test helps to identify the measurement of  amount bilirubin in the patient and also determine the liver functioning.
  • ERCP - ERCP means Endoscopic Retrogate Cholangio Pancreatography. This is a procedure that uses a camera and x- rays to look at the problems in bile and pancreatic ducts.

There are two types of treatments for gall stones removal , one is surgical treatment another one is non- surgical treatment.

SURGICAL TREATMENT - In some cases, doctor decided to  do surgery depend upon the severiety of the gall stone problem.Gall bladder removal surgery is commonly called LAPROSCOPIC GALLBLADDER REMOVAL.It is also called CHOLECYSTECTOMY- In this surgery, first requires general anesthesia.The surgeon makes 3 or 4 incisions in patient abdomen.They will insert  a small device into one of the incisions and remove the gall bladder with carefully.If the patient  will not has any complications, he may go to home within two or three days.After the surgery, eat a diet lower in fats and easily digestive food.

NON- SURGICAL TREATMENTS - Medication is the common treatment to dissolve the gall stones.Other non- surgical treatment is LITHOTRIPSY. This is a best treatment  and used a lithotripter machine that generates shock waves that breakdown the gall stones into small pieces.


  • Avoid high fat food  like cheese, fried food, deep fry oil foods etc.
  • Add rich fiber food like bottle guard,cucumber etc.
  • Avoid drinks to cause diarrhea, caffine drinks, sweets, high fat dairy products.
  • Drink sufficient water and drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
  • Eat dark leafy vegetables
  • Nuts
  • brown rice

  • fish
  • beans
  • olive oil
  • citrus fruits

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Turmeric
  • Magnesium content food
  • Dandelion tea or coffee
  • Lysimachiae herba / gold coin grass is popular chineese remedy for gall stones.
  • Psyllium husk
  • Castor oil 
  • weight management/  control obesity.
  • eat food in proper time, avoid irregular diet.

My own experience - If we don't eat food in proper time, the bile juice become very hard and it leads to form the gall stones.If we will not change of food timings and if we don't eat fiber food and don't drink enough water, the gall bladder will filled with  gall stones. Gradually the gall stones sizes are increased and it reduces the functioning of  gall bladder.If the stone is stuck in bile duct,the case is very serious that immediately consult the doctor and must remove the gall bladder by the doctor observation.


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