Now-a-days, with the development of medical resources most of the health issues can be resolved.Due to this, humans are able to live long-life and hence the population old age people is increasing.Alzheimer’s disease is commonly observed in old age people.By this year 2020,it is estimated that approximately 70% of the world's population aged 60 and above will be living in developing countries, with 14.2% in India.Around 50 million people are suffering with alzheimer's across the globe.Nearly, 10 million new cases are recorded every year worldwide.
- Ø The person will not be able to remember what he writes or things he watch or the places he visit even for few minutes.
- Ø He will not be able to remember dates, festivals, driving skills, education.
- Ø He forgets his home address, daily routes.
- Ø He forgets to wear his dress.
- Ø He forgets his date of birth, important dates, working place.
- Ø He forgets his family members, their relationships.
- Ø He forgets to drink, eat.
If this disease becomes severe, the person’s brain is like a erased diary.
Alzheimer's is basically memory impairment and caused by brain cell(Neuron) death. It is a neurodegenerative disease, which means there is progressive brain cell death which leads to shrinking of brain.
- · There are no scientific reasons.
- · Increment of Amyloid, Tavo products in brain is one of the reason.
- Reasearch is still going on the reasons for Alzheimer’s.
- Firstly, a person’s Medical history is analysed.
- Physical and neurological exam is performed to analyse overall neurological health by testing reflexes, muscle strength, coordination, speech, sense of sight and hearing, etc.
3. Blood tests are done to measure levels of Alzheimer’s protein Amyloid beta in the blood and use such levels to predict whether the protein is accumulated in the brain or not.
4. A standard medical test for Azheimer’s is structural imaging with Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) or Computed Tomography(CT).These tests are done to find out tumors, small or large strokes, head trauma or a buildup of fluid in the brain.
5. Genetic testing:
· A blood test for APOE-e4,is the strongest risk gene for Alzheimer’s,is done to identify whether a person is most likely to be developing Alzheimer’s or not.
· A test is also available for genes that are responsible for Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease(ADAD).
- . PET(Positron emission Tomography) SCAN:
This scan helps to find out plaques in the brain.
There are three ways to control Alzheimer’s.They are the following:
1. Medicine:
· There is no medicine to completely cure Alzheimer’s.
· But some medicines are available to reduce the effect of Alzheimer’s.
· Based upon mild, moderate and severe symptoms medicines like
1) Donepejil(can be used to reduce effect of all stages of symptoms);
2) Rivastigmine & Galantamine(can be used to reduce the effect of mild to moderate symptoms);
3) Memantine(can be used to reduce the effect of moderate to severe symptoms).
2. Food:
· Almonds & walnuts.
· Use olive oil,cold-pressed virgin coconut oil while cooking.
· Green leafy vegetables- Spinach, Broccoli; Vegetables- Cruciferous vegetables,Radish.
· Fruits: Strawberries, Blueberries, Rassberries, Cherries,Oranges, Plums contain antioxidants.
· Salmon ,Tuna ,Sardines ,Mackerel & Halibet fishes contain omega-3 fatty acids.
· Dark chocolates & coffee contain antioxidants.
· Grains.
· Turmeric.
· Flax seeds,Beans contain omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Fitness:
· Control B.P, Diabetes(Sugar) and avoid smoking.
· Do 30 minutes simple exercise regularly.
· Do Brain Exercise such as Sudoku, Chess, Puzzles, etc.
Ø Support of family members plays a crucial role in controlling Alzheimer’s.
v Reading books.
v Writing.
v Cooking.
v Gardening.
v Painting.
v Making Crafts.
v Playing Musical Instruments.
v Singing.
v Teaching.
v Creative thinking.
v Learn a new language.
By doing things like said above, the brain will be active.
Alzheimer’s cannot be cured but can be prevented by being physically and mentally active.
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