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     Sleep deprivation means not getting the required amount of sleep or you sleep at day time.  So many causes behind sleep deprivation like stress, depression, studies problems, teenagers problems, career problems, aging problems. This leads to so many health problems such as BP, Obesity, Heart problems, Diabetes, etc.,  
     We can follow different treatment methods to Sleep deprivation.  Treatment consists of non medical treatment, medical treatment, good sleep habits, power nap, parents help, hygienic food and control tips.  There is two types of treatments non medical and medical treatment.

Sleep deprivation treatment:-

Meditation / Yoga

I. Non-medical treatment:-

    1. Relaxation:-
         a. Autogenic training:
            This technique is helpful to improve our mental and physical health.Do physical  exercises half-an-hour at least for muscle relaxation everyday.


         b. Meditation/Breathing
             Yoga, Meditation, breathing exercises to release our stress.Every day one  hour meditation is helps to relax our brain.

    2. Psychological:-

Walking / Running
            Stimulus control therapy:  
            This therapy is related to good sleep habits, sleeping schedule, neat bed room  environment etc., to decrease the stress and depression.

    3. Behavioral techniques:-

Healthy sleeping habits

            CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
            It is helpful to a person develops healthy sleeping habits and to change their  behavior to reduce sleep deprivation.

II. Medical treatment:-


  • Sleeping pills : On the prescription of Sleep specialist/therapist the sleeping pills may be used when Sleep Deprivation is high. 
  • Medication for any health issues
  • Allergy, cold medication etc.                                                                                     


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