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Showing posts from July, 2020


  ALZHEIMER'S INTRODUCTION:                                   Now-a-days, with the development of medical resources most of the health issues can be resolved.Due to this, humans are able to live long-life and hence the population old age people is increasing.Alzheimerā€™s disease is commonly observed in old age people.By this year 2020,it is estimated that approximately 70% of the world's population aged 60 and above will be living in developing countries, with 14.2% in India.Around 50 million people are suffering with alzheimer's across the globe.Nearly, 10 million new cases are recorded every year worldwide. WHAT IS ALZHEIMERā€™S: Ƙ   The person will not be able to remember what he writes or things he watch or the places he visit even for few minutes. Ƙ   He will not be able to remember dates, fest...


BHRINGRAJ OIL Bhringraj scientific name is Eclipta prostrata.It is commonly known as false daisy,karisalankanni.It is called GUNTAGALAGARA in telugu language. Bhringraj oil to support hair growth and contol dandruff in the hair. It is used in Ayurvedic medicines.It's famous name  is called as" KING OF HERBS". I am preparing hair growth oil with Bhringraj leaves, hibiscus leaves and flowers etc. BENEFITS OF BHRINGRAJ OIL: Bhringraj plant contains vitamin-E which is helpful to hair growth.  This oil has anti-microbial, anti-fungal properties that can reduce dandruff. This oil is very helpful to slow greying the hair.It has natural hair darkening properties. It reduces hair fall. It gives better results to splitting of hair terminals. It increases hair nourishment. Leaves juice are used as liver detoxification. Anti-microbial  properties may help to prevent urinary track infections. preparation of bhringraj oil: Ingredients: BHRINGRAJ ...


GINGER-PEPPER TEA The CORONA virus is spreading across in INDIA at rapidly.According to health ministry, large number of Covid-19 cases increased in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Utter pradesh in the last 10 days. In Delhi ,nearly 1300 cases are being recorded everyday.Tamil Nadu, Maharashra states are worst-effected states and recorded as 1927 cases.National wide cases increased Covid cases nearly 10,000 cases.  In this Corona effected pandemic situation we should increase our immunity power and self motivation.Elders and children who staying at home ,they must know about Covid-19 and what is the precautions we will take. Take energetic food like eggs,meat,chicken and  nuts like almonds, wall nuts, rich protein food like grams,milk,mushrooms, vitamin source food  like green leaf vegetables, fruits etc.Daily workouts, exercises may improve your  immunity system.Along with we can drink some tea like ginger t...


CAUSES OF HAIR FALL Most of the people  facing problem is hair fall.Men facing bold hair problem and women also facing the same hair fall issue. People spend more money for this issue and waste their time also. Where there is a problem ,there is a solution for that.First of all we should recognize what is the reason of our hair fall ,then we can start the treatment to that problem.So many reasons behind the hair fall problem. Causes of hair fall: Hormonal imbalance in the teenagers.                                                  Protein deficiency.                                                                                  Vitam...


BENEFITS OF JACK FRUIT SEEDS Jack frui t is the largest tree fruit in the world. During in summer we get this fruits. Fruit and seeds also very useful to our health.Jack fruit seeds has rich source of vitamins, minerals,anti-oxidants, protein, high carbohydrates etc. Jack fruit seeds has rich source of vitamins like Thiamin , Riboflavin {B-vitamins},minerals like zinc, copper, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium,manganese etc. 100 grams seeds contain: calories -185 protein -7 gm carbs - 38 gm fiber - 1.5 gm USES OF JACK FRUIT SEEDS: It reduces ANEMIA  and it is the iron boosting  one of the best seeds.Iron helps to heart and brain health. It contains rich protein which is beneficiary of build muscles,healthy hair. It has anti-oxidants or phytochemicals such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins prevent cancer cells.Free radicals damage the cells in human body  and it leads to develop chronic diseases like cancer. It decreases cholestero...


HOME MADE HAIR OIL Today all over the world most of the teenagers and middle age people panic about hair fall. So many reasons behind this problem such as dandruff problem, thyroid problems, hereditary, hormonal imbalance, medication, iron deficiency{ANEMIA}, chemotherapy in cancer patients etc.we can follow different types of home remedies  to control hair fall. Protein deficiency is one of the most important reason of hair fall.Protein food such as sprouts, dal [cereals]etc are best food to control hair fall.If we can change our life style, food habits,we will control the hair fall. We should  take  food according to vitamins and minerals like Vitamins-A,B,C,D,E and Iron,Zinc. Fish oils is rich source of anti-oxidants which is promote to our hair growth. Hair growth oils gives extreme results for us. Hibiscus has rich source of vitamin-C and sticky  substance which is helps to softening the hair and control hair fall which leads to hair grow...