ALZHEIMER'S INTRODUCTION: Now-a-days, with the development of medical resources most of the health issues can be resolved.Due to this, humans are able to live long-life and hence the population old age people is increasing.Alzheimerās disease is commonly observed in old age people.By this year 2020,it is estimated that approximately 70% of the world's population aged 60 and above will be living in developing countries, with 14.2% in India.Around 50 million people are suffering with alzheimer's across the globe.Nearly, 10 million new cases are recorded every year worldwide. WHAT IS ALZHEIMERāS: Ć The person will not be able to remember what he writes or things he watch or the places he visit even for few minutes. Ć He will not be able to remember dates, fest...
A blog about health problems, meaning of diseases, it's causes, symptoms, treatment, medication, fitness, food habits, tips to control diseases.