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Vitamins and minerals are very crucial to functioning in our body. There are many types of vitamins like Vitamin-A, B, C, D, E, K. Some of Minerals are iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium etc. Vitamins  and minerals are very useful to activate our body during a whole day and it helps to do our daily-life works easily.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals leads to decrease of immunity power in our body.

We know about that lack of vitamins and minerals rises some health problems.Some of the diseases is as follows:

  • VITAMIN - A - Xerophthalmia, Night blindness etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-1 - Beriberi etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-2 - Riboflavin deficiency etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-3 - Pellagra etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-5 - Fatigue, Insomnia, Burning feet etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-6 - Anemia etc.
  • VITAMIN - B-12 - Weakness, Pale skin, Numbness etc.
  • VITAMIN - C - Scurvy, Gum bleeding etc.
  • VITAMIN - D - Alzheimers, Depression, dementia etc.
  • VITAMIN - E - Muscle pain, Visual disturbance etc.
  • VITAMIN - K - Poor bone development, Bleeding etc.

Minerals deficiency leads to some health problems like Diarrhea, Muscle cramps, Vomiting, Irregular heart beat and decrease in immunity system etc.

Symptoms of  Vitamins & Minerals deficiency :  

  • CRACKS AROUND THE MOUTH:  Lack of B vitamins such as Niacin, Riboflavin, B-12 &  Minerals like Iron, Zinc  leads to cracks around the mouth. Lack of Proteins also one of the reason of this cracks.                                                                   
  • HAIR FALL:-  B-7 vitamin commonly known as Biotin, lack of biotin leads to hair fall. Biotin is very useful to metabolism of Fats, Carbohydrates and Amino acids. It is helpful in the growth of hair and nails.

  • NUMBNESS ON PALMS,FOOT:-  Lack of B-vitamin leads to numbness on foot, palms. B-6, B-12 Vitamin deficiency leads to the effect on palms, foot. Lack of vitamins leads to Worry, Depression, Anemia, Weakness, Imbalance of hormones. Magnesium deficiency leads to chill the palms.

  • PIMPLES:- Lack of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A,D leads to pimples on cheeks, hands, thighs.                                                 
  • TONGUE INFLAMMATION:-  Vitamin B-2, B -3 and iron deficiency leads to tongue pain and inflammation.                           
  • WHITE MARKS ON NAILS:-  Minerals definitely leads to white marks, cracks on nails. Zinc deficiency leads to white marks on nails and magnesium deficiency leads to crack the nails.                                                                                                  
  • MUSCLE SWITCHING:-  Magnesium, calcium deficiency leads to switching fingers, Muscles & Hip.


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