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Now a days most of the diabetics are facing the  major health problems are kidney stones formation, kidney infections, urinary tract infections and kidney failures. Not only  in diabetics but also other people have also suffering with kidney health issues. In India some states of people who are suffering with kidney problems , they are too young and they have immediately want the  treatment called Dialysis. Dialysis treatment is used for those people whose kidneys are not functioning properly.

How the kidney stones forms:

Many causes behind this kidney related  health issues, major reason  is our food.The food which contains more calcium it leads to form kidney stones.Kidney stones are called renal calculi and it forms hard deposits like salts etc.Lettuce, mutton, tomatoes etc food develops the stones in the kidneys.

TYPES OF KIDNEY  STONES:There are four types of stones formed in the kidneys.

  • CALCIUM OXALATE: The most common type of kidney stone is calcium oxalate and intake of unnecessary[excess] calcium related food cause to form this type of stones.Calcium related food is crabs curry, goat, sheep head curry,mutton etc and oxalate is a substance made by our liver or our daily food.Calcium phosphate stones are another type of kidney stones. 

  • STRUVITE STONES: Struvite stones are formed by the cause of urinary track infections.These stones are grow very quickly and does not show any symptoms frequently.

  • URIC ACID STONES:These stones are formed  in that people who ate high protien in their diet and diabetics.
  • CYSTIC STONES:These stones are formed in the people who  have hereditary disorders.

Small kidney stones, big stones:

First it forms very small size and the number of stones increased in the kidneys,then they attached one to another and it forms big stone.There is no problem with the small stones ,if we drink more water ,coconut water,barli etc, the stones will automatically passes through the urination.But the problem is with the big kidney stones. They occupies more space in the kidney and they decreases the functioning of kidneys and it leads to kidney infections.


All  diseases have some symptoms to identify that particular health problem but in this kidney health problems , there is no identification till the kidney failure.If kidney stones count will increase,then we will identify the swelling in the patient face and foot,and getting back pain. There is different  medicines to these kidney infections and use by the doctor suggestion only.Don't use the other patient medicines , even he also have the same kidney stones problem. Kidney  stones  sizes are different and they made by different materials.So don't use medicines without doctor prescription.

When does  surgery necessary?

If any kidney stone will struck in the urinary tract ,it leads to urination problem ,pain.Here  surgery is necessary to that particular patients.Depend on the stone position in the urinary tract ,doctors suggest to the surgery to remove the stone.

Most of the cases , the stone position is in the starting point of the urinary tract, it rises to surgery to remove the stone.If the stone is in the end of the urinary tract, it means the edge of urine passing way,the doctor use a small medical tool to remove that kidney stone.Don't afraid to consult the doctor , when ever you have the above problem, the doctor will remove your kidney stone with in a few minutes and you get more relaxation and no need to bear the pain for long time.

In all cases there is no need to go with surgery and use the proper medicines according to the doctors  prescription.


Without surgery there is a amazing and wonderful treatment available in the super speciality  hospitals. But this method is not aware of the common people. This is very easy method to remove the kidney stones in our kidney.

That is LITHOTRIPSY treatment. LITHO means stones and this treatment is sound waves treatment means the sound waves break down the kidney stones. After the treatment big stones became small stones and they will pass out through the urination.

LITHOTRIPSY is a medical procedure that uses shock waves or a laser waves to break down the stones in the kidneys. In this treatment  the big stones break down into a small stones.These small stones will exit with urine from the body while urination.The big stones in the kidneys may cause pain , while urinating time why because the big stones may block in the urinary tract. If the stones is in a small shape ,they can pass out in the urine. But the big stones can not pass through the urinary tract, thats why they struck in the urinary tract.The big size of stones will occupy the major place in the kidneys and it decreases the proper functioning of the kidneys.

There are two types of Lithotripsy available in medical treatment.

  ESWL- ExtraCorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy.

 FURSL- Flexible Uteroscopic Lithotripsy and it is also called Laser Lithotripsy. Both procedures are very effective to break down the stones quickly.


In this treatment the surgeon will use a machine is called a Lithotripter. The sound waves are very effective to break down the stones in to small pieces but not harmful to the kidneys , skin, muscle, bone.The procedure takes about one hour and after the treatment the patient will go to home  the same  day.


In this treatment using an endoscope in the ureter. This endoscope is a comfort and flexible tube with light and camera and it helps to the doctor to see inside an organ.The doctor can see the stones with the help of that endoscope and uses a laser to break down the stones.This treatment takes thirty minutes time and the patient can go to home the same day.The broken stone fragments should pass through urine in days or weeks.

My own experience:

 I am not a doctor but I have my own experience with my dad and I nearly watched and what is the treatment process , how many sittings it will take to remove the maximum stones etc.

I share my experience through this blog , if any one person can gain and benefit of the information about this kidney stones problem, I will feel more happy and will get self satisfaction.

I want to share my own experience about LITHOTRIPSY. Usally I don't know about Lithotripsy until my dad suffering with kidney stones.My father used a lot of medicines for the kidney stones since fifteen years and he had diabetic also. He consulted so many doctors while he get any kidney pain, he used too much of medicines. But last year he got  more pain in his kidneys, then we consulted many doctors.The final decision of the doctors says go to operation.Two operations must do with in a month  for left kidney. As a diabetic patient, he used so many medicines for diabetics and for kidney stones. How he will bare the pain and my dad was very afraid to go for surgery and  my family members  did not want to go for the surgery.

I searched  that what are the best treatments for kidney stones, then I know about the LITHOTRIPSY. Then my husband enquiry  that who is the best doctor? and where is the treatment available? and when all the information gathering completed, then we consult a nephrologist. The doctor check the scan report and says 'Not necessary to go for surgery, left side urinary tract starting point had partially blocked with a big stone, the patient is aged, so we will go for Lithotripsy.' When ever we heard the doctors sentence, we feel that doctor is a god and my father  also relaxed in his mind. Doctor prescribed one week medicines.


After one week we went to hospital  and the nurse gave for  injection anesthesia, just for he will bare the pain.The LITHOTRIPTER machine came to that hospital in a big bus why because the machine is not available in that hospital thats why the doctor arranged the machine for available dates.

First of all my dad  enter into the bus and the doctor who is operating the machine ,he lie down the patient on the scanning table after removing the shirt. NEPHROLOGIST enter into the bus and the treatment is start. After fifteen minutes our family doctor came out side of the bus, he said that" your dad responding well, don"t worry,it will takes one hour." Other persons will not allow in that machine room. As per my request doctor allows me to go inside of the bus which is the machine functioning. Before going to the treatment my father was very afraid of the treatment ,so I entered into that room and he felt relaxing mind.

Doctor was doing his job well and good and he is very friendly doctor and I asked some of the questions  which I have doubt, he was doing his work and clarify my doubts and showing the stones in the monitor ,how it is brake down into small pieces. Some stones became powdered and some stones are became small stones. The treatment time takes approximately one hour.The treatment is no pain just sound vibrations working on the  stones and pain is bearable.

After the treatment we stay for one hour in the hospital room why  because if the small stones will struck in the edges of the urine tract, the doctor will remove the small stone. But for my dad, there is no need of the doctor for that purpose. After the treatment, the urine colour is red in colour why because  the laser waves break down the stones in the treatment, the stones will rashes the kidney inside walls, so the urine colour has red  colour in two or three times urination and after that it will be normal colour.

LITHOTRIPSY is not completed at one sitting means one time. Depending on the stone size the sitting number also increases. In my dads case , left kidney is full of stones and one big stone is strucked  at the starting point of the urinary tube. Doctor suggested that three ,four sittings will compulsory for this treatment to break down the stones. After the treatment in the first sitting doctor prescribed medicines.Within three sittings all the kidney stones are breakdown and the scan report also shows well and good. 

Now my dad is perfect and he said to the patients who are suffering with kidney stones that Lithotripsy is a amazing treatment without surgery. I asked so many questions to the scanning doctor, and he clarify me many of my doubts. About the lithotripsy, food I asked questions is as follows:

  • Why the kidney stones are formed?
  • Doctor: taking of food is the main reason and it does not form automatically.
  • What is the food is causes the formation of kidney stones?
  • Doctor: calcium related food like crabs, goat head curry, mutton, mutton bones, dairy products, lettuce, tomatoes etc.
  •  Does all type of stones in the kidneys will treat this lithotripsy?
  • No, all types of stones can not treat with the lithotripsy, some stones are very hard to break down  and even  ten sittings also we can not break down with this treatment,  they are rare stones. Commonly calcium stones are formed in the kidneys. For the hard stones go for surgery.
  • How the small stones come outside of the body?
  • Doctor: after the treatment the small stones come out side through the urine, but the patient must drink more water.

In this blog I share my own experience of lithotripsy treatment. Finally I am not a doctor but I share my own experience and the doctor says that, if the kidney have full of stones kidney functioning  will decreased. If the stone struck in the urinary tract, then immediately remove the stone with ESWL OR FURSL treatments.One month two operations, old age is not support well and I heartly suggest to those people who are suffering with kidney stone problems go through this lithotripsy treatment.


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